Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Entertainment

Castles had many types of entertainment to make people laugh and dance or just cheer for their favorite team.  One type of entertainment is hunting and hawking.  This was done by having someone tying a bell to a hawk, so you can follow it.  The hawk will hunt and get some food.  Then you follow the bell noise and try to catch the hawk, and if you do then you get to keep the hawk and it shows great performance.  You carry it on your arm around the castle to show off.  The king always has a hawk if he caught it or not.

Another game is rough ball game.  It is pretty much an old version of hockey.  You would have a leather ball and hit it with a long, curved wooden stick.  There were two teams of five and they tried to hit in the goal.  You could also tackle or wrestle the person with the ball.

Another form of entertainment is musical.  One type of instrument was the Hurdy-Gurdy.  To play it you have to turn the handle on the side and then press the keys.  Another instrument is the drums.  The drums were played in a complex pattern; someone had it on their back while someone behind them played it.  A person who played an instrument is the minstrel.  He or she played a wooden pipe tied to a hollow cow horn with a leather strap.  They often wore a checkered pattern shirt.

The last type of entertainer was a jester.  His job was to make people laugh.  He wore bells around his legs and told crude jokes.  He also could say things to the king that other people dare not to say. 

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